Whether you are using Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Hypnosis or just Cold Turkey, these strategies and hints are for aiding you to stop smoking and are sure to assist you in helping your neurology change and thus enable you to stop smoking with ease. It is up to you to ensure that you do these things to really enhance what you are doing, the more effort you put into these exercises, the easier it is to stop smoking for good.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 1

Being a smoker is like cycling with stabilizers attached to the wheels, you can find it hard to be balanced without smoking. Now, when you cycle freely again, the natural balance returns.

When people smoke, more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deeper breaths. Imagine breathing from that space just below your belly button. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the way you feel and help you let go of those old cravings and thus making it easier to stop smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 2

Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, the reasons that it's bad and the reasons you want to stop smoking. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you experience breathlessness, it's dirty, filthy and your clothes smell, your friends and family are concerned and it's expensive, unsociable and so on. Then, on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons why you'll feel good when you've succeeded in stopping. You'll feel healthier, you’ll feel in control of your self, your senses are enhanced, your hair and clothes will smell fresher and so on. Whenever you need to, look at that piece of paper.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 3

Next, we are going to program your mind to feel disgusted by cigarettes. I want you recall 4 times when you thought to yourself "I've gotta quit", or that you felt disgusted about smoking. Maybe you just felt really unhealthy, or your doctor told you in a particular tone of voice 'You've got to quit' or somebody you know was badly affected by smoking. Take a moment now to come up with 4 different times that you felt that you have to quit or were disgusted by smoking.

Remember each of those times, one after another, as though they are happening now. I want you to keep going through those memories and make them as vivid as possible. The more vivid you make those memories, the easier it will be to stop smoking. See what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how you felt. I want you to take a few minutes now to keep going through those memories again and again, overlap each memory with the next until you are totally and utterly disgusted by cigarettes.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 4

Have a think to yourself about the consequences of you not stopping smoking now, if you just carry on and on. Imagine it, what will happen if you carry on smoking. What are the consequences? Imagine yourself in 6 months time, a years time, even 5 years time if you do not stop smoking now. Think of all the detrimental effects of not stopping right now and how a simple decision you make today can make such an impact on your future.

Next, imagine how much better is your life going to be when you stop smoking. Really imagine it's months from now and you successfully stopped. Smoking is a thing of the past, something you used to do. Keep that feeling with you and imagine having it tomorrow, and for the rest of next week. In your mind, imagine stepping in to that non-smoking version of you and feel how it feels to be a non-smoker.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 5

Also, your mind is very sensitive to associations, so it's very important that you have a clear out and remove all tobacco products from your environment. Move some of the furniture in your house and at work. Smokers are accustomed to smoking in certain situations. So, for example, if you used to smoke on the telephone at work move the phone to the other side of the desk. Throw away ashtrays, old lighters and anything that you used to associate with smoking. Make your environment conducive to stopping smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 6

Smokers sometimes use their habit to give themselves little breaks during the day. Taking a break is good for you, so carry on taking that time off - but do something different. Walk round the block, have a cup of tea or drink of water, or do some of the techniques on this program. In fact, if possible drink a lot of fruit juice. When you stop smoking the body goes through a big change. The blood sugar levels tend to fall, the digestion is slowed down and your body starts to eject the tar and poisons that have accumulated. Fresh fruit juice contains fructose which restores your blood sugar levels, vitamin C which helps clear out impurities and high levels of water and fiber to keep your digestion going. Also try to eat fruit every day for at least two weeks after you have stopped.

Also when you stop, cut your caffeine intake by half. Nicotine breaks down caffeine so without nicotine a little coffee will have a big effect. Drink 8-10 glasses of water (ideally bottled) to help wash out your system.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 7

You were used to using cigarettes to signal to your body to release happy chemicals, so next we are going to program some good feelings into your future. Allow yourself to fully remember now a time when you felt very deep ecstasy, pleasure or bliss, right now. Take a moment to recall it as vividly as possible. Remember that time - see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how good you felt. Where abouts in your body were those feelings, imagine turning them up and spreading them through your body to make them more intense.

Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. In your mind, make those images big and bright, sounds loud and harmonious and feelings strong and intensified. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling.

Okay, stop and relax. Now if you have done that correctly when you squeeze your thumb and finger together you should feel that good feeling again. Go ahead do that now, squeeze thumb and finger and remember that good feeling.

Now we're going to program good feelings to happen automatically whenever you are in a situation where you used to smoke but now you stop smoking.

So, next I'd like you to squeeze your thumb and finger together, get that good feeling going and now imagine being in several situations where you would have smoked, but being there feeling great without a cigarette. See what you'll see hear and take that good feeling into those situations without a need for a cigarette.

Imagine being in a situation where someone offers you a cigarette and you confidently say 'No thanks, I don't smoke'. And feel fantastic about it!

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 8

Get social support. Your commitment to stopping smoking for the rest of your life can be made much easier by talking about it to friends and family and letting them support you. They will congratulate you on doing so well too! You really did stop smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 9

Be aware of making excuses for yourself. Some people talk themselves into smoking, especially if they encounter a stressful situation and in the past they used to deal with it by smoking. If those old thoughts pop into your head, shout the word "STOP" in your head, to stop the thoughts from progressing. Nicotine just stresses your body more and is like that itch that can never be properly scratched; the more you smoke, the more you have to. So say "STOP" and steer clear of old slippery slopes.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 10

Reward yourself. Congratulate yourself. Feel how good it feels to stop smoking and be a non-smoker. Treat yourself each time you get past a certain milestone; the first week or first month, the six month target. Let yourself know that you did something really special here.

Keep on using your brain, stretching it and helping your self, by running through these exercises time after time; you are sure to be able to make it easier and easier and successfully stop smoking for good.

Related Post www.buzzle.com

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Posted by Abim Candra on Sunday, 10 August 2008

The group placed use of the beds into the highest risk level for cancer, moving their rating from "probably carcinogenic" to "carcinogenic to humans" - putting them alongside cigarettes, alcohol and asbestos.

Ministers are now considering introducing changing the law to protect people, particularly the young, who use them.

The shift in the WHO's stance was prompted by the results of a review of recent studies of ultraviolet radiation (UV) tanning by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon.

The deadliest form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among British women in their 20s.

Two years ago experts warned the risk of developing skin cancer from using sunbeds has trebled in just a decade because the demand for an instant tan - 'binge tanning' - has led to the marketing of increasingly powerful sunbeds.

Dr Fatiha El Ghissassi, writing in the journal The Lancet Oncology, said: "Several case control studies provide consistent evidence of a positive association between the use of UV-emitting tanning devices and ocular melanoma (skin cancer of the eyelid)."

A spokesman for the Department for Health said: "Sunbeds can be dangerous. If necessary, we will look at new laws to protect young people."

Kathy Banks, chief executive of the Sunbed Association, the industry body, said: "The relationship between UV exposure and an increased risk of developing skin cancer is only likely to arise where over-exposure, in other words burning, has taken place."

Related Articles www.telegraph.co.uk

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Posted by Abim Candra on Monday, 21 July 2008

Second-hand smoke is the smoke from a burning cigarette, pipe or cigar. It is also the smoke exhaled by a smoker.

When a person smokes near you, you breathe in second-hand smoke. Many of us breathe it in whether we know it or not, in public places, around doorways of buildings and at work. When someone smokes inside a home or car, everyone inside breathes second-hand smoke.

Cigarettes produce about 12 minutes of smoke, yet the smoker may inhale only 30 seconds of smoke from their cigarette. The rest of the smoke lingers in the air for non-smokers and smokers to breathe. Second-hand smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals. Many of these chemicals are known to cause cancer.

Chemicals found in second-hand smoke include:

* carbon monoxide (found in your car’s exhaust)
* ammonia (found in window cleaners)
* cadmium (found in batteries)
* arsenic (found in rat poison)

Each year, more than 1000 non-smoking Canadians die from second-hand smoke.
Children, pregnant women, older people and people with heart or breathing problems should be especially careful to avoid second-hand smoke.

Second-hand smoke can make you sick
No amount of second-hand smoke is safe.

Second-hand smoke causes sore eyes and throat, nasal irritation, headaches, coughing and wheezing, nausea and dizziness. You are also more likely to get colds. Breathing in second-hand smoke can also trigger asthma attacks and increase your chances of getting bronchitis and pneumonia.

If you have been exposed to second-hand smoke for a long time, you are more likely to develop and die from heart problems, breathing problems and lung cancer.

Articles From www.cancer.ca

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Posted by Abim Candra on Thursday, 15 May 2008

Smoking is one of the most dangerous diseases in the word! yes very dangerous. Nowadays , Many people are using it as a dessert after eating But some are making it as their habit. Habit means it belongs to your daily routine. You know what i’ve red something in the internet that smoking started at Africa , I dont know if it real. The primary use of smoking there was is to get rid of the dangerous mosquitos at jungle. I think they are just overusing it. After how many years it was blended with fashion.

Guys this post is just to inform you that smoking is very bad to your health, you are a smoker quit smoking! then if you cant quit then just minimize it! just a friendly advice to you! take care!

Effects of Smoking For Your Health..

* Smoking KILLS
* Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking.
* One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age.
* Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers.
* The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.
* This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs
* amputated.
* Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.
* Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs.
* Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs.
* Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain put on your body by smoking often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure.
* Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers.
* Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers.
* Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack.
* Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease.
* In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking.

Articles From www.jenvernell.blogsome.com

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Posted by Abim Candra on Thursday, 20 March 2008

Smoking is one of the most dangerous habits to pick up for a person and it is even more dangerous for people with asthma or heart problems. Smoking includes products filled with tobacco and is inhaled into the lungs through a cigarette, pipe, cigar or bongs. The most popular form of nicotine smoking today involves the cigarette. It is so popular that over one billion people across the world partake in smoking tobacco.

Smoking is a major health risk because it can cause heart attacks, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and even cause birth defects of children born from women who smoked while pregnant. Smoking firsthand is not the only danger. Secondhand smoke has also led to the aforementioned conditions of people who do not smoke but are in the company of those who do smoke. The dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke have forced many cities and even states within the United States to create public smoking bans. Many bans have made it illegal to smoke in restaurants, bars, casinos and arenas, where smoking once was permitted inside the buildings.

Smoking has become such an important discussion because of its side effects that any advertisements promoting smoking, cigarettes, or tobacco products have been banned from television and magazines. The death rate in the United States from smoking has reached almost 500,000 deaths per year and some experts predict that 1/3 of Chinese men will have their lives shortened because of complications from smoking.

Smoking has been traced back to as early as 5,000 BC and once it was introduced to Americans it started to make appearances in art paintings across America and Europe. Figures in the paintings would be simply holding a lit cigarette or be smoking from it in the painting. Smoking also has made countless appearances in other areas of popular culture. Smoking is extremely prominent in films and literature. The most famous movie star smoker was Humphrey Bogart and the most famous literature character smoker was Sherlock Holmes.

It is estimated by doctors across the globe that people who smoke will live somewhere between 2.5 to 10 years less than non-smokers. Close to one-half of male smokers will die due to an illness from smoking. The main forms of cancer caused by smoking are lung, kidney, breast, larynx, bladder, esophagus and colorectal cancer.

Smoking is also linked to cardiovascular disease because several of the ingredients in the tobacco cause a narrowing of the blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of a blockage within the arteries, which in turn can cause a stroke or a heart attack. Smoking or chewing tobacco can also cause oral cancer while also deteriorating the teeth and the gums.

There are a variety of ways for smokers to quit their bad habit. Tobacco and nicotine are extremely addicting drugs that can be difficult to pull away from. Some ways of quitting smoking are using nicotine replacement therapies which include gum and the patch, hypnosis, quitting 'cold turkey' and acupuncture.

Smoking is a dangerous habit to employ, especially for people with pre-existing heart conditions or asthma, and smoking bans are a result of the effects from secondhand smoke. Despite the difficulty of breaking the bad habit it can be done and can be done in enough time to prolong life.

Articles From www.ezinearticles.com

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Posted by Abim Candra on Sunday, 10 February 2008
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