Did you know that quitting smoking is difficult, quitting is not an easy thing, but sometimes it is something very desirable one.

Smoking is obviously not good for your health and the environment. For those of you who encouraged to quit smoking, may feel a little difficult because cigarettes have become part of your life. But not impossible kog if you want to try to quit smoking. Try to follow the following tips are.

1. Convince yourself that quitting smoking was not in vain. Think about the quality of life better when free of smoke and quickly die if you continue to smoke.

2. Plan a date as the D-day stop smoking. Prior to the date, get rid of ashtrays, matches, and the things that can trigger you to smoke again. Only after arriving at that date, stop smoking altogether.

3. Plan events for that date. For example go to places where there is "no smoking area", or go exercise.

4. Make a list of people who support your efforts to quit smoking, and ask for moral support from them.

5. To cope with withdrawal symptoms substances, Eat low-calorie foods and drink plenty of water.

6. Resist the temptation to smoke, even if only one suction alone. One suction can easily be followed by suction, suction, and your effort will be futile.

7. If you're about to give up, postpone ten minutes. That strong desire to die. If you still want to smoke, inhale deeply through your mouth, then out slowly with your lips retract. Repeat 5-10 times.

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Posted by Abim Candra on Wednesday, 26 August 2009


processed tobacco, including cigars wrapped or other forms derived from plants Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana rustica and other species or synthetic containing nicotine and tar, with or without additional materials.

one of the addictive substance that when used cause health hazards to individuals and society, and therefore in need of a cigarette safety activities for health

Includes clove cigarettes and white cigarettes.

paper-sized cylinder of length between 70 to 120 mm (varies depending on the country) with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been shredded.

Cigarette burned on one end and let simmer so that smoke can dihirup through the mouth at the end of the other.


There are two types of cigarettes, the cigarette filter and no filter. In cigarette filters are made of synthetic fibers foam filter function of nicotine.

Smoke Ingredients
  1. Radio active material (polonium-201)
  2. the materials used in the paint (aceton)
  3. Washing floors (ammonia)
  4. drug Moth (raphthlene)
  5. insecticide (DDT)
  6. termite poison (arsenic)
  7. toxic gas (hydrogencyanide) used dikamar gas that death for the execution.
  8. Etc.

Aspects of cigarette smoke contain, According to WHO (World Health Organization) 4000 contain such chemicals; Polonium -201 (radioactive materials), acetone (fabric paint), ammonia (materials to wash the floor), napthalene (mothballs materials), DDT & arsenic (used to poison insects), tar (carcinogenic substances causing cancer) methanol (rocket fuel),


nicotine (a substance that can cause addiction),

cadmium (used for car batteries),

vinyil chloride (PVC plastic),

phenols bhutane (lighter fuel),

hydrogen cyanida (toxic gases commonly used in executions rooms),

carbon monoxide (exhaust fumes from vehicles), etc.

Gas component of cigarette smoke

  • carbon monoxide (CO)

a gas that has no odor. These elements are produced by incomplete combustion of the element carbon or carbon.

  • Ammonia

Is a colorless gas composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. This substance is very sharp and very stimulating smell so hard that there was poison in the ammonia so that if anything is injected to the blood circulation will result in a collapse or coma.

  • Nitrogen Oxides

Some kind of colorless gas and when inhaled can cause loss of growth and cause pain.

Formal Dehid

Some kind of colorless gas and a sharp smell.

Gas component of cigarette smoke

  • Hydrogen syanida

A type of gas that is colorless, odorless, and does not smoothly sense



Contain toxic chemicals that partial damage lung cells and cause cancer / karbinogen.


Oily liquid which is colorless and can make the pain is very .. This prevents nicotine hunger contractions.


Is a mixture of crystals produced from the distillation of some organic substances such as wood and charcoal and tar obtained from coal. This substance is toxic and harmful, because phenol is bound to protein and blocking the enzyme activity.


Some kind of mild liquid volatile and flammable. Drinking or inhalation of methanol can cause blindness and even death.

Smoke Impact

Of Health

Heart disease

Vascular disorders

Lung cancer

Oral cavity cancer

Larynx cancer

Cancer osefagus


High blood pressure


Disorders of pregnancy, and

Defects in the fetus.


Cigarette smoke can cause air pollution

Wrappers and cigarette butts into the trash problem / waste

Cigarette butts are still burning can cause fires


From ourselves

That is the way:

Realizing why you smoke

Do not smoke while driving a vehicle

From ligkungan around

That is the way:

Avoiding Early childhood environment smokers

Not merokk in public places

Developing community capacity to behave healthy living.


legislation which makes government regulation of cigarettes for health security.

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Posted by Abim Candra on Monday, 24 August 2009

Cigarette smoke contains around 4000 chemicals, and 43 of which are chemicals that are karsinogen (chemical substances that cause cancer). From so many chemicals, which dihirup active smokers, only 15 percent. While the other 85 percent is released and entry to respiratory the passive smokers.

Cigarette smoke that passive smokers dihirup called sidestream smoke (smoke side). From a cigarette is burned, smoke produced side two times more than primary smoke. Passive smoker's health risks is not much different from the active smoker.

Passive smokers are at risk of some diseases fell ill. For example, ear infections and tuberculosis, growth disturbances tuberculosis, or even tuberculosis can cause cancer. Cigarette smoke exposure also gives a bad influence on the pancreas, insulin as a regulator of sugar. So that passive smokers are also threatened by the disease diabetes.

The more often inhale cigarette smoke, will be prone to infection. Because the smoke contains substances that can lower the body resistance. If we are on the environment smokers, suggested adding vitamin C. Feed

To secure the health effects of cigarette smoke, we can separate themselves more or less around 180 cm from the active smoker. The most important, we must also avoid the direction of the smoke pillar terpaan smokers

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Posted by Abim Candra on Friday, 21 August 2009

Smoking is not a good hobby for pregnant women. A research shows that smoking during pregnancy can sebabkan candidate chipped baby lips.

Research conducted by Dr. Rolv T. Lie of the University of Bergen, Norway. 1336's baby who was born there, 573 babies are suffering from the disease harelip. Apparently found in the research, the mothers have a baby smoking habits stem 10 a day during the first 3 days of birth so they detikhot quotation from Reutershealth, Monday (14/7/2008).

Mothers have now been 2 times more risk of birth to the child's lips chippy on the mother does not smoke.

For you who do not smoke is not to be free from the risk of the above. Because in fact, pregnant women are passive smokers smell cigarette smoke 2 or more hours a day, have a risk of childbearing chipped lips as 60 percent.

Toxic substances in cigarettes that cause the difference in the baby's mouth before. Poisons that affect the growth of fetus during pregnancy age 5-9 weeks, the candidate's mouth when the baby form.

So avoid smoking from your life, now!

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Posted by Abim Candra on Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The study of "Environmental tobacco smoke and cardiometabolic risk in young children" is published in the European Heart Journal, at here mentioned that damage from passive smoking can be found in the blood vessels of children just 10 years old.

Parents who smoke in the home can cause their child's arteries to show signs of clogging and hardening, dramatically raising their overall life-time risk of heart attack.

At other study on German mentioned which took in almost 400 10-year-olds found those with smoking parents could also have emerging signs of atherosclerosis.

Earlier research has shown a link between second-hand smoke and the condition in adults.

"To show that in healthy 10-year-old kids they've got these increased markers of what we normally associate with a really bad risk of heart attack is alarming," Australian atherosclerosis expert Professor David Celermajer said.

"This is from being exposed to passive smoke from their parents all their lives.

"These children are not about to drop dead when they're 11 or 12 but it indicates they're a three or four-fold higher risk of heart attack in their 40s or 50s."

Prof Celermajer, of Sydney University and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, says an Australian study conducted in 1996 also found evidence of blood vessel damage in 15-year-olds who were exposed to passive smoke in the home.
Related Coverage

* Active video games are energeticThe Australian, 25 Jul 2009
* On the trail of a silent killerThe Australian, 23 May 2009
* Readers' Comments: WA to get toughest smoke bans - PerthNowPerth Now,
* Passive smoking impairs non-smokers' brainsNEWS.com.au, 13 Feb 2009
* Babies made me quit: mumCourier Mail, 4 Feb 2009

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He says while research suggested these ill effects could be reversed within two years if the child lived in a smoke-free house, for many the ramifications of parental smoking were lifelong.

"I see a lot of people with heart attacks in their 40s and 50s, who have no risk factors at all except having exposure to passive smoke in childhood," Prof Celermajer said.

"So it starts a process that becomes accelerated in that person ... (smoking) casts a long shadow."

A coalition of health and child welfare organisations says the study showed why government needed to speed up smoke-free reforms.

"This is more evidence pointing to the need for all public areas frequented by children including dining areas, playgrounds, public pools, beaches and sports fields, to be made smoke-free by law," Protecting Children from Tobacco spokesman Stafford Sanders said.

"... and for any governments that have not yet made cars carrying children smoke-free to do so quickly." Give up to Stop Smoking.

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Posted by Abim Candra on Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Stop Smooking Tips. Trying to quit smoking will likely take a very large amount of dedication and determination from you personally. At the same there are plenty of problems that you may encounter as well.

Knowing what these potential problems are and having a specific plan for your success is important. Knowing exactly what you are trying to do will enable you to plan for success, rather than merely stumble along trying to quit.

Step 1. You need to take the time to create a plan to stop smoking. This means looking at the reason why you smoke, and working to create a plan that will help you to succeed.

If you are addicted to nicotine then you need to look at a stop smoking product to help you slowly curb the nicotine addiction. If you merely smoke because you are bored you should look for thing to do to keep you occupied instead of bored. However, if you are smoking because you are stressed out then your plan should include a way to reduce stress as well.

Step 2. Seek all of the help you can get. With help coming in the form of stop smoking aids, as well as support from your friends and family it will be very important to get anything you can.

If you have a lot of problems getting the help that you need, you should work to resolve these problems before you attempt to stop smoking. For example, if you have a very tight budget and cannot afford the nicotine gum that you might need, save up money for a couple of weeks to purchase the gum to start with. Then once you have what you need, start working to actually quit.

Step 3. Log your progress. If you write down your goals, and also how you are progressing towards your goals you are making yourself accountable for everything.

For example, if you decide that you are going to reduce your one pack a day habit to only 10 cigarettes each day it is important to write down each cigarette that you smoke. This will allow you to see a specific pattern to your smoking, and also make sure you are aware of how many cigarettes you are smoking each day.

You may find that as you are writing down each cigarette you decide to skip a few just so that you do not have to write them down. If you choose this method make sure you are really honest with yourself. Cheating on your log will get you nowhere very quickly since the information is all incorrect.

Step 4. Celebrate your success somehow. If you have managed to go 24 hours without a single cigarette, you should celebrate.

This does not mean you need to throw a gigantic block party for each tiny milestone but you do need to do something. If you treat yourself to your favorite coffee, ice cream, book or even the purse at the mall you have had your eye on, it will help encourage you to continue on your path of success.

Save up a huge party, or even a dream vacation for once you have quit smoking for a longer period of time such as 1 year for example. This will give you a huge incentive to continue the success and you can use the money you save from stopping smoking to fund the trip or party.

Always ensure that you follow these steps and you will find that in no time at all, you will be able to join the ranks of the non-smokers of the world. Taking advantage of all of the help available as well as holding yourself accountable is a huge step in the right direction.

Knowing what you should expect from yourself is also helpful because you will be able to anticipate problems before they appear. Merely waiting until problems do occur is asking for a disaster. You owe it to yourself to quit smoking successfully, and these four suggestions will get you there in record time.

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Posted by Abim Candra on Monday, 10 August 2009

You can eat five portions of fruit and veg a day and exercise regularly, but healthy behaviour means little if you continue to smoke. The message that 'smoking is bad for you' is an old one, so not everyone gives it their full attention. Below we list the health risks of smoking.

Why you must quit smoking?

Term watch ‘Cardiovascular’ means the heart and circulation.

Cardiovascular disease causes:
  • poor circulation
  • angina (chest pains)
  • heart attacks
  • stroke.
Most people know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but it can also cause many other cancers and illnesses. Smoking kills around 114,000 people in the UK each year. Of these deaths, about 42,800 are from smoking-related cancers, 30,600 from cardiovascular disease and 29,100 die slowly from emphysema and other chronic lung diseases.

How do cigarettes damage health?

Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. When you inhale, a cigarette burns at 700°C at the tip and around 60°C in the core. This heat breaks down the tobacco to produce various toxins. As a cigarette burns, the residues are concentrated towards the butt.

The products that are most damaging are:
  • tar, a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)
  • nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in your body
  • carbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the body
  • components of the gas and particulate phases cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).
The damage caused by smoking is influenced by:
# the number of cigarettes smoked
# whether the cigarette has a filter
# how the tobacco has been prepared.

Smoking affects how long you live

Research has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. Did you know? On average, each cigarette shortens a smoker's life by around 11 minutes. Of the 300 people who die every day in the UK as a result of smoking, many are comparatively young smokers. The number of people under the age of 70 who die from smoking-related diseases exceeds the total figure for deaths caused by breast cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents and drug addiction. Non-smokers and ex-smokers can also look forward to a healthier old age than smokers.

Major diseases caused by smoking

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death due to smoking.

Hardening of the arteries is a process that develops over years, when cholesterol and other fats deposit in the arteries, leaving them narrow, blocked or rigid. When the arteries narrow (atherosclerosis), blood clots are likely to form.

Smoking accelerates the hardening and narrowing process in your arteries: it starts earlier and blood clots are two to four times more likely.

Cardiovasular disease can take many forms depending on which blood vessels are involved, and all of them are more common in people who smoke.
A fatal disease

Blood clots in the heart and brain are the most common causes of sudden death. Smokers tend to develop coronary thrombosis 10 years earlier than non-smokers, and make up 9 out of 10 heart bypass patients.


Smokers are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer, which hardly ever affect non-smokers. The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, and the longer you've smoked, the higher your risk of lung cancer. Similarly, the risk rises the deeper you inhale and the earlier in life you started smoking.

For ex-smokers, it takes approximately 15 years before the risk of lung cancer drops to the same as that of a non-smoker.

If you smoke, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non-smoker. Cancer can start in many areas of the mouth, with the most common being on or underneath the tongue, or on the lips.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a collective term for a group of conditions that block airflow and make breathing more difficult, such as:
Term watch

Chronic means long term, not severe.
  • emphysema - breathlessness caused by damage to the air sacs (alveoli)
  • chronic bronchitis - coughing with a lot of mucus that continues for at least three months.
Smoking is the most common cause of COPD and is responsible for 80 per cent of cases.

It's estimated that 94 per cent of 20-a-day smokers have some emphysema when the lungs are examined after death, while more than 90 per cent of non-smokers have little or none.

COPD typically starts between the ages of 35 and 45 when lung function starts to decline anyway.

Articles From www.netdoctor.co.uk
Smoking is the most common cause of COPD and is responsible for 80 per cent of cases.

It's estimated that 94 per cent of 20-a-day smokers have some emphysema when the lungs are examined after death, while more than 90 per cent of non-smokers have little or none.

COPD typically starts between the ages of 35 and 45 when lung function starts to decline anyway.

Articles From www.netdoctor.co.uk

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Posted by Abim Candra on
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